Performance Art
Part 1 Of the many performance artists I've learned about I found Ulay, Chris Burden, and Pyotr Pavlensky to be the most inspiring and intriguing. They all advocate for using personal expression and action to express the inner "need" of the artist. In an interview Ulay states that when doing performance art one has to be doing the piece partially for oneself in addition to the audience. While the artist is always seeking to make a statement or spread a message, it is critical to be acting on individual terms of self-expression. Additionally Chris Burden's "Shoot" art piece in which he is shot in the arm for the sake of art speaks volumes to this idea. This is an example of using the body as the canvas by which to make a statement. The fact that he had a friend of his willingly aim a gun at him and fire shows the mental boundaries that are pushed through performance art. Pyotr Pavlensky takes utilizing the body as the medium a bit further w...